By: Amit Kumar Agarwal (also works as, Film Market & Film Festival Consultant)
Filmmaking is the costliest hobby a human can pursue; the wise had once said! With global market & returns in Cinema touching an all time low; it is time producers & filmmakers start thinking of novel ways to make their films secure!
Can anyone guarantee it?
- No.
The emerging trend in filmmaking as discussed during the 70th Cannes Film Festival is, attract & attach funding; find co-producers on the script stage, your money will be 99% safe, as the budget will be divided amongst the co-producers and the risk-factor will be less.
Amit Kumar Agarwal presenting 7 films at the Cannes Film Festival 2017
Also, the co-producers will open more market-avenues to recoup the investment. The third point is, assessing the artistic & business potential of the film gets different critical views, which helps in further giving shape to the script and hence a more compelling film; because there is no formula to make a good film; films are made on instincts and the thing that gives shape to these instincts is the script. Only if you like the script during reading sessions, it has the potential to be made into movie.
A presentable movie attracts an investment of atleast 100.000 euros (INR 75 lacs); a company or a producer can have 10 completed screenplays in the same amount - a developed screenplay cuts down the risk by 90%, as if the screenplay is really compelling, it is bound to attract co-producers & investors. Thereby, cutting the principal producers' risk, right at the pre-production to production stage.
The golden rule of Cinema is - It is easy to make the film, but it is very difficult to sell a film!