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Connecting with people who matter!

A lot of fellow film-makers have asked me, how to approach people they don't know?

The real big people who matter in the industry, are the decision takers and can set you, rather put your career on to the right path.


At the risk of sounding sexist, though the intention explicitly ain't; girls always had it easy, ever-since the craft of films moved from just being an art-form to it's industry-mold; the guys always slogged it out. The good news for guys is, social media has become a great leveler - almost anybody, who's anybody - is on social media. Just drop in a message, tweet them, send them a  friend request. Of course, there will be outright rejections like no responses or no replies or your FR not being accepted - it is to be taken in the stride.

The language, polite yet assertive, is the key for your success on social media. Here's an example of a girl who wanted to connect with me on my social media account. She is a student from FTII; she introduced herself, urged me to watch her short film for feedback. Honestly, if you love cinema, you will watch even the trashiest of work with utmost sincerity. Very important for a film-maker to grow; and for established film-makers to re-invent themselves!

The message was good, short, though could've been crisper! Here's the message she sent me -

This is (name withheld to protect her privacy). I am a dropout of film direction from Film & Television Institute of India:) Kindly watch this short film I made, and let me know what you feel and think about it (Though there are high chances of you not watching it after noticing its corny title and think of it as another average short film)
But as we all do...I will take my chances:)
(name withheld to protect her privacy)

I did watch her film and gave her certain suggestions. She wanted me to recommend her to a certain producer in Hindi Film Industry, which I did too. 

Point is a positive and pragmatic approach helps, most of the time.