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Vocabulary in simple words - is the body of words used in a particular language.

The Importance of Vocabulary for a film professional

Vocabulary is very important for a film professional to give the impression of a refined person to other professionals. A good vocabulary can be developed by 'reading'; a must for Cinema. This is because readers can't understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean. As we read more advanced texts, we must learn the meaning of new words that are not part of our oral vocabulary, with the help of dictionary.

For example, do you know the meaning of "Clambake"? If you don't, look up in dictionary - you just added one more word to your vocabulary! 

Just like a good mechanic; whose toolbox full of tools might look similar, but every tool has a specific purpose; writers have a “toolbox” called Vocabulary; good writers can pull out the right words at the right time to make their writing, much more powerful.

We use spoken and written words every day to communicate ideas, thoughts, and emotions; sometimes we communicate successfully, sometimes we aren't quite successful. “That’s not what I meant”, is an often repeated sentence; a good vocabulary can help us avoid this embarrassment.

For example, let’s say that you live in a small town; are out of your house and see a large black car stop on the road. You see four tinted windows on one side of the car, and you assume there are four tinted windows on the other side, too. Just then, the driver’s door opens, and a man wearing white gloves steps out. He walks to the back of the car and opens the door.

You run next door to tell your friend what you saw. What do you say? If your Vocabulary is good, you can quickly explain to your friend what you saw. Instead of describing the number of windows and the length of the car, you could simply say that you saw a black limousine! Then, instead of describing the man with the white gloves, you could say you saw the chauffeur open the door of the car. Knowing these key words can help you quickly and effectively communicate your meaning.

When you’re faced with a writing assignment, a good vocabulary is an indispensable tool. If you have several synonyms in your repertoire, you’ll be able to choose the best word to convey the meaning, the essence, the desired emotion!

Benefits of a good Vocabulary

As already mentioned, if you have a good vocabulary, you’ll be able to choose the best word to convey the meaning, the essence, the desired emotion! You will also understand what other people are saying; from a wider range of people. It boosts your power of persuasion; as relying on one or two words to describe an idea will be repetitive. In nutshell, having a rich vocabulary will help you communicate in a more engaging way.

A workshop on developing the skills w.r.t. Cinema & Media Industry is available in all contact classes of Film-Educator, Amit Agarwal, worldwide