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Employers Expectations

The perennial Q for an employee is -
- What Employers Want'?
- What really are the Employers Expectations? 
- How to become that perfect employee?

So what in essence makes a good employee; a rather vague answer would be -
• Be on time – always.
• Follow directions & instructions.
• Don’t text or talk on your cell phone when you’re working.
• Maintain a positive attitude at all times.
• Treat your supervisor and co-workers with respect.
• Take job responsibilities seriously.
• Avoid the “that’s not my job!” mentality.

The fact is, while the answer may differ worldwide, one constant holds true – employers want employees who are dependable, trustworthy and good at their jobs - in fact, extra-good at their jobs!

From my personal experience, I would like to mention few attributes that employers’ look for in employees -

1. Employers want employees who demonstrate dependability. Certain core expectations are required for all jobs, but dependability is probably at the top of the list. Employees show dependability by taking personal ownership of all aspects of their job, including being on time, dressing and working in a professional manner, and demonstrating a high level of commitment. Managers like dependable employees because they set and maintain clear expectations.

2. Employers want employees who are self–motivated. While the role of every manager is to motivate their employees, they appreciate and seek ones that create their own motivation. It makes a huge difference to have an employee that has an inner drive to organize their work versus one who needs constant guidance to perform day to day activities. Employers look for employees that have a level of self–motivation that will not require a high level of "hand-holding," as well as the ability to tackle the expected obstacles that arise in day to day business.

3. Employers want employees who provide a positive representation of their brand. Employers seekindividuals that will enhance their organization and their brand. They want to recruit people who are trustworthy, have solid reputations – inside and outside of work – and have a good work ethic. Great employees have a strong sense of what is appropriate in the workplace and outside, and they know how to balance the two.

4. Employers want employees who rise to the occasion. A good employee gets the job done. A great employee gets the job done in spite of everything – including when priorities and schedules shift. They are self–motivated and can problem solve and think on their feet.

5. Employers want employees who are team players. No one can achieve "greatness" in an organization completely alone, and remarkable employees know this to be true. They are the consummate team player who can highlight their own successes, as well as praise others for theirs. These employees recognize that success is better achieved through team work, always.

6. Employers want employees with a positive attitude. Great employees maintain a positive attitude, even during difficult situations. They tackle projects, both big and small, in a straightforward manner. If they have a sensitive issue to discuss, they do so in private. They promote a team spirit and good morale, and they are a pleasure to work with and be around.

A workshop on developing the skills w.r.t. Cinema & Media Industry is available in all contact classes of Film-Educator, Amit Agarwal, worldwide